IN THE MEDIA: Nourish Magazine
Updated: Sep 21, 2020
Stepping into the kitchen can offer mindful and meditative moments. Let’s try a little cooking therapy to bring a sense of calm to our often chaotic lives. An article by Nadia Fragnito.
In difficult times, we seek to alleviate stress in a variety of ways, whether chatting to a friend, dancing like crazy, spending time in nature, meditating, or enjoying a long hot bath. No matter the remedy we choose – these can all be viewed as forms of therapy. Yet another form is cooking. Donning an apron and whipping up a batch of cookies can have more emotional benefits than you may realise. Cooking therapy is available to everyone, and can be enjoyed alone, with a partner, or in a group setting. Following a recipe, or even creating one, requires focus and mindfulness. It allows you to step away from the daily grind, the chatter of your mind, the stresses of life, and become present with the task at hand. Measuring the flour, sprinkling the sugar, mixing the batter, and greasing the trays. A lick of the spoon and your sense of taste is activated, a waft from the baked goods in the oven a reward for your sense of smell. Following a tried and true recipe, preparing a thoughtful dinner, or slowly and mindfully chopping the vegetables are all things we have control over. In its simplicity, cooking brings a sense of calm to our chaotic lives.