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IN THE MEDIA: Fire & Tea

Many would say that vegan food and travel is a match made in heaven. Through food, travellers are able to connect with those they meet on the road and experience culture through food. The act of eating is instinctual, pleasurable; even sensual. By living a vegan lifestyle and travelling vegan, travellers express love, compassion and empathy while still enjoying local cuisines in their vegan versions. One such lover of vegan food and travel is vegan Italian expert Nadia Fragnito of The Vegan Italian Kitchen.

Nadia is best known for her appearance on the Australian TV cooking series The Chef’s Line where she adapted traditional Italian recipes into stunning vegan creations. Since then, Nadia has designed her own cooking classes and demonstrations, written articles in prominent vegan publications, curated a bespoke vegan menu for a popular Italian restaurant in Melbourne and is putting the finishing touches on the launch of her vegan Italian cookbook Discovering Vegan Italian. Nadia spared time to chat about her vegan Italian food journey.

Written by Justine de Jonge

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